Thursday, March 15, 2012

BP #2 - Researching Racial Discrimination (DIRECTIONS)

Please do some research on the Internet on the history of racial discrimination in the United States.  Look up ONE of the following topics:

  1. Slavery in the United States
  2. The Emancipation Proclamation, 1863
  3. Jim Crow laws

Read the information on at least 3 different websites about your topic.  Then write a summary of the information as Blog Post #2.

To write a good summary, please do the following:
  • Write only the main ideas, not all of the details
  • Do NOT COPY the sentences from the websites.  That is PLAGIARSIM.  Put the ideas into your own words in your summary.
  • Try to use some academic/specific vocabulary words.
  • Include pictures or links to other websites to make an interesting blog post.
  • Check your grammar carefully.

Please title your blog post "BP #2 - Discrimination Research - (Your Name)"
**BP #2 is due on Friday, March 16**


  1. Sleves started in the 1619 to 1865 in Virginia.First arrived in America only 12 slaves.In the 16 to 19 century arount 8- 15 million slaves arrived.Slevery is a person is owned by another person.Slaves were worked and never paid.Their onwers of slaves gaved them little food, clothes and shelter. In the S State need more than N.State .In N.State had factories so white people worked there.

  2. According to Jim crow laws. Laws practices that segreated blacks from white during the late 1800s in to the farist half of the 1900s that mean from 1900s in to 1950s.The segregation laws were commonly known as Jim crow laws.....

  3. accorded with the article read in Wikipedia about slavery in America. Slavery is a form of labor from your owner with out a salary, which consisted in slaves, taken from Africa to America by Europeans to work in big plantations of cotton, sugar, tobacco and coffee. Slavery began in America in 1619.The Europeans were exchanging African people's with jewelries and brought them to south America to work as slaves in plantations. Slavery had very bad effects on Africa such as diminution of the population and much more. Slavery was abolished in 1865. but is it really abolished?

  4. Slavery began in north america in 1619.In virginia.THE british were capturing free from people african.Actually to work for their owner in america platantions.AFRICAN HAD SUFFER from 240 years of slaves it is an exhausting labor.After all they had pass in amendment to abolish the slavery with was ended in 1864.
