Thursday, March 22, 2012

BP#2 gabriella

Slavery began in north america in 1619.In virginia.THE british were capturing free from people african.Actually to work for their owner in america platantions.AFRICAN HAD SUFFER from 240 years of slaves it is an exhausting labor.After all they had pass in amendment to abolish the slavery with was ended in 1864.


  1. i really like you small summary. my opinion to you is write aloooooot more please and put picturs to understand more about your topic. my question to you is this your own summary or someone?

  2. Please write more.I don't under stand what's are you wrote?

  3. my opinion you have to add, because its not enough ... you have to go google again and read more.... very small

  4. Your information is good.But you need moor details.How you calculate African suffer 240 years?
