Friday, March 16, 2012

BP# 2 lobsang lhatso

 white people in the southern part of the united states were getting more and more angry with rich people. People in the north wanted to make the southern land-owner free these people. but the southern land-owner were afraid that ending slavery would just make the south even poorer, the black people were very angry. The white people didn’t let their kids to go school and there have to work a lots. If the white people want to sell the black people there didn’t care there are marry, there have kids or not just sell it. Some white make a baby weather there didn’t want to. Some white people there are monster, ghost there kill the black people. If there very sick there didn’t let them go hospital. Most of the people doing those things are southern people.   


  1. my name is lobsang lhatso,I'm from tibet. and i really miss my country.

  2. hi, my name is jican zeng. nice to see you, lobsang lhatso. i am from China. when i read your writting, i am thinking we are lucky now.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Lobsang, I just want to tell you that I like the way that you highlight the abuse that have suffered black people from white people.

    and also I'm asking you about what would you do now to change those kind of behaviors near you?

  5. Hey lobsand...i like your very summary lol...but it has very important things in your summary thats good about how suffered the black people in not just united state in almost many countries.
