Thursday, April 5, 2012

BP #6 - From Freewriting to a Descriptive/Narrative Essay (DIRECTIONS)

Like the activity we did in class on Tuesday, starting with freewriting, then moving to a descriptive paragraph, then moving to a full narrative/descriptive essay (with reflection), we will do another brainstorming and writing activity today in the computer lab.

Please follow these steps in your BP #6:

1.  Do freewriting for 5 minutes on the topic given to you in class:
TOPIC: What spring time rituals, holidays, or festivals do you have in your home culture? 
Post your BP #6 with the Freewriting in it (Title your blog post "BP #6 - Freewriting - (Your Name)")

2.  Go back and look at your post (your freewriting).  Edit your post and copy and paste your freewriting below your original freewriting in your BP.  Then delete things that are not interesting or that repeat ideas and add some other ideas you have on the topic.  Post your edited BP #6.

3.  Now go back and edit your BP.  Look at your second set of brainstormed information.  From this, write a descriptive paragraph below that (like the one we looked at on Tuesday in class).  Include details about the time, place, people, event(s) and your feelings about it. Post your new BP #6.

4.  Now go back and edit your BP #6 again and look at the paragraph you wrote.  Brainstorm an outline for a full essay, adding details, deciding on a good THESIS statement, dividing your story into paragraphs, adding reflection.

Your outline should look like this:

General statements:
THESIS statement:

Paragraph 1 topic(s):

Paragraph 2 topic(s):

Paragraph 3 topic(s):

Final thought:

After you have added your outline to your BP, post it again.

5.  Finally, go back and read through your freewriting & brainstorming and look at your outline.  Now write a full narrative essay below your other work (by again editing your BP #6).  After writing the full essay, rename your BP #6: "BP #6 - Freewriting and Essay (Your name)"

**BP #6 is due by Friday, April 13**

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