Wednesday, March 28, 2012

BP3 Gabriella

Harlem history was rich in wealth in of archival and scholarships  start with columbia and also the most famous and  similarity  neighborhoods

   about the neighborhoods


Harlem become the most neighborhoods that content the ethnic groups of black, and white since they had turn of the twentieth century. when the landscape had chande all the building were reshaped for the perpose of evolving the population the name of Harlem has been change, and called state of mind  because it real and remenber in oral histories.


  1. i know you were reading from this web, i think you copie from there, you should put more from your self..

  2. marina i didnt copy from the webside girl go check if im copy ok i think u joke now

  3. I think you need t write more.I like your researching picture because I like black and white picture.Are you like the history?

  4. its good research . my question is, is this your research or your own words?

  5. I like your paragraph because you used your own words.
    African American people in Harlam introduce their culter nice way.
    How you feel when you wrote this paragraph.
